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Middle School

Concordia’s Middle School program serves grades five to eight and is purposefully designed to care for the unique needs of students as they grow and learn through this special time of development. Through meaningful relationships and intentional communities at each grade level, our teachers provide inspiring and relevant hands-on learning that expands student choice and grows independence and responsibility in order to meet the needs of every student so they can thrive in our diverse and complex world.

Inspiring & Relevant Learning

We focus on holistic learning that is hands-on, connects to China, and grows both the academic and spiritual side of each student.

Intentional Community

Relationships in the Middle School are grounded on layers of community, including daily advisory, careful student placement, and grade-level teams so teachers can collaborate and build community.

Supporting Every Student

Through differentiated instruction and assessment practices, individualized support, as well as robust Learning Support and English Language Learner programs, our teachers aim to meet every student at his or her level.

Expanding Student Choice

Middle school students choose from diverse elective offerings, music at each grade level, and a wide variety of co-curricular activities.
When students have choice their interest and commitment grow too.

Thriving in a Diverse & Complex World

Students depart the Middle School better equipped with the relevant 21st Century skills to thrive in high school and beyond.

Growth and Development in a Safe Environment

Middle School students are presented with greater expectations for independence in their academic and co-curricular pursuits. Within a supportive and positive environment, they are encouraged to explore leadership through increased social and personal responsibilities, including the appropriate use of technology.

Because this is a unique period of intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth, the members of our middle school faculty work in partnership with parents to create a school community that is supportive and responsive to the unique needs of the middle school student, helping to ensure that each student experiences challenge and success.

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Learning in Middle School

Academics in Middle School progressively build upon the knowledge students acquired in elementary school and prepare them for the rigor and pace of high school. Students explore a greater number of courses and co-curricular activities, expanding their fundamental body of knowledge and the skills necessary for deeper interpretation and real-world application. 

Explore Your Subjects

Select subjects from the list below to see what classes are available in our Middle School.

Click to read about our classes here!

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Stories from the Middle School