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Elementary School

Concordia’s Elementary School program offers students in grades one to four countless opportunities to develop academically, spiritually and socially. With an intentional focus on building a solid foundation in the fundamental academic areas of reading and writing, social studies, STEM, physical education and the arts, students acquire skills they can continue to use as they advance through school. Along the way, they have a chance to connect to the world around them, develop awareness of self and others and practice leadership skills. 

Teaching and Caring for the Whole Child

Our teachers care for children and partner with parents to create a culture of learning that encourages hard work, creative thinking and positive risk taking. From this, students not only cultivate life-long learning strategies, they come to truly understand the joy of learning. 

Concordia’s commitment to whole-child education means children also explore strategies for dealing with social and emotional needs, learn how to show respect and care for their bodies and the world around them and understand and have compassion for the needs of others by engaging in service-learning opportunities that make a real difference in the world.

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Learning in Elementary School

Our Elementary School curriculum is delivered within a practical, real-world context, which broadens our students’ view of the world. Students learn through exploration and discovery and are actively involved in the learning process. Teachers encourage their students to ask questions, find information through developmentally appropriate research activities, reflect on their work and the work of others.

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Stories from the Elementary School