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Early Childhood

EC Friday Family Focus: Goals 目标

Goals 目标


Learning a new skill will pay dividends in the future.

We will be wrapping up our parent-teacher conferences this afternoon. You have seen evidence of your child’s growth and development, and part of the discussion has revolved around goals. As teachers and educators, we set goals and standards for children to work towards throughout the academic year. As parents, we also have goals that we want our children to achieve.

Research suggests that goal-setting is one of the best ways to increase motivation and performance in children. Some of the benefits of goal-setting are:

·      Teaching your child to take responsibility for their behaviors and learning 教导孩子负责任.

·      Teaching your child planning skills 教导计划技能.

·      Promoting a “can-do” attitude and a growth mindset 提倡“敢做”的态度和成长心态.

·      Creating a habit of setting and achieving personal goals. 养成设定个人目标的习惯


As parents, how can we help our children set and reach their goals?

1.     Let them choose their own goal让孩子选择自己的目标. Ask, “What is something you wish you could achieve?” Make sure their goal is specific, measurable, and trackable.

2.     Discuss the purpose of the goal 讨论目标的目的. Ask questions such as, “What do you think is the greatest benefit to doing well in this class?” and “How can that help others?” Research suggests that, when children see a clear purpose for what they’re learning, they tend to perform better. This is particularly true when there is a self-transcendent purpose for learning. That means that students are more successful when they understand that their learning can also benefit others.

3.     Break the goal into smaller steps 将大目标分解为更小的步骤. This is known as “chunking”. Focus on the process. Keep the mini-goals small and achievable. Focus on the progress that they’re making towards their larger goal.

4.     Brainstorm potential obstacles 集体讨论潜在障碍. Plan ways to work around potential obstacles. Talk about bad habits or negative thoughts that might get in the way of achieving those goals. Ask, “If you feel like giving up, what will you do instead?”

We are our children’s best cheerleaders. To encourage our children as they work towards goals…

·      Give examples of your own struggles at their age 举例说明你自己在孩子这个年纪的挣扎.

·      Remind them how they said they would deal with an obstacle 提醒孩子如何应对障碍.

·      Focus on how they can continue improving 鼓励孩子继续改进.

·      Celebrate their effort, determination, and persistence 赞扬孩子的努力、决心和毅力.

·      Teach them positive self-talk 教孩子用积极的自我对话.

·      View mistakes as opportunities to learn 将错误视为学习机会.


But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.


2 Chronicles历代志下15:7