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Early Childhood Education

Concordia’s Early Childhood program provides educational experiences expressly designed and developmentally appropriate for young children age three to five years old.

The Early Childhood division is filled with adventure, creativity, investigation and friendship. Our Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten communities are actively engaged within safe, nurturing and playful learning environments that encourage knowledge and skills development and fosters positive, life-long learning habits.

Teaching Grounded in Loving Relationships

We practice a teacher-directed, child-initiated learning approach that promotes self-regulation and executive function within a program that serves to enhance language acquisition, cognition, and social competencies. Curricular areas, as well as art, music & movement, and language support, are uniquely woven in throughout the day to ensure maximum learning potential.

We provide a research-based approach to teaching and learning in which children learn about themselves, others, and the world around them – all in an atmosphere of love, care, and acceptance.

Learning in Early Childhood

Our highly qualified teachers and teaching assistants engage students in high-quality play that has them exploring the joys of learning and developing skills that will stay with them as they continue their learning adventures. Reading and Writing Workshop and Bridges Mathematics are incorporated into the curriculum beginning in Kindergarten.

Balanced Literacy

Specialists work in concert with homeroom teachers at each grade level to deliver our Mandarin, Music & Movement, and Art classes.

Benefits of Music & Movement

The Early Childhood counseling program is concerned with the emotional, social, physical, and intellectual growth of our students so that they may reach their full potential.

Counseling Support

Learn More About Our EC Program

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