

Teen Life: By Students For Students


Concordia Students Really Care


It is clear that most teenagers care about their grades, especially when high school years are concerned. The fact that high school grades are permanent on your transcript almost forces most students to care about their academic performance. Conscientious students tend to set high standards for themselves, enabling them to challenge themselves and strive to improve and Concordia students are no different. Maybe even a little more so.

The survey that we conducted after the second semester of the 2017-18 school year concludes that more students were satisfied with their academic performance this year that not. Many Concordia students enjoy participating in academic competitions and pursuing their academic passions outside of school. Despite this being a major stressor, our students are still able to maintain balanced and healthy lives due to the support our community provides. Excellence and persistence are traits witnessed on a day to day basis, shown by the fact that more students were content with their academic performance, yet a significant proportion feel that there's room to improve:

Forms response chart. Question title: Are you satisfied with your academic performance this year? . Number of responses: 61 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Rate your average level of stress coming from academics (1-10). Number of responses: 61 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Rate how much you personally care about grades (excluding pressure from parents, peers, and teachers) (1-10). Number of responses: 61 responses.